Star Atlases

As a complement to the list of free star atlases / charts, this is a non-comprehensive list of the larger commercial offerings.

The Cambridge Star Atlas

This contains 20 charts with stars to 6.5 magnitude, along with additional reference material.

Bright Star Atlas 2000.0

This atlas has 10 maps and 6 seasonal finder charts, stars down to magnitude 6.5, and 612 DSOs.

Millennium Star Atlas

This is a three volume set containing stats down to the 11th magnitude, and about 10,000 DSOs.

interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas

Norton's Star Atlas

This atlas contains stars to magnitude 6.5, along with additional reference material.

SkyAtlas 2000.0

This contains 26 charts, with stars to magnitude 8.5 and about 2,700 DSOs. There are several versions available, with variations on color (white on black, black on white), paper (laminiated or not), and binding (spiral or standard). There is also a companion volume with reference data.

Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas

This atlas contains 220 charts with stars to magnitude 9.25, and contains over 30,000 DSOs. Twenty-nine of the charts are detailed versions at a higher scale. There is a separate field guide available, as well as an optional acetate overlay with FOV and Telrad scales.
